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How To Get Into Ketosis Fast And Double Your Fat Burning

Getting into ketosis fast will speed up fat burning. The faster you get into ketosis, the faster you can start losing weight. Since its introduction, the ketogenic diet has been proven by a growing number of medical experts and millions of practitioners around the world to have a positive impact on overall health.

The benefits of the keto diet include weight loss, improved brain cognition, hormone balance, treatment or prevention of many diseases including diabetes and epilepsy, and delayed aging. In a traditional high-carb, low-fat diet, our bodies have been using glucose as a source of energy, and most of the glucose is converted from the carbohydrates we consume.

When we eat too many carbohydrates and can not fully consume them, the body will convert the excess glucose into fat and store it for emergency use. Over time, fat accumulates and weight is gained.

The ketogenic diet, on the other hand, strictly controls the number of carbohydrates consumed, and when the body does not have enough glycogen to “generate electricity”, it will start to call on stored fat to provide energy to survive. In other words, the body turns from burning sugar to burning fat, and this is when the body enters ketosis, and weight loss begins.

How to Get Into Ketosis Fast

How long does it take to get into ketosis? The answer is: it varies from person to person. Each person’s body and metabolic level are different and will respond differently to a new diet.

For example, some people have difficulty going ketogenic on 20 grams of carbohydrates a day, while others can go ketogenic on 100 grams of carbohydrates. In general, the older, lighter, less active, or lower the metabolic level, the more difficult it is for people to into ketosis.

So in general, younger people are easier to lose weight than middle-aged and older people, people with a large weight base lose more weight than people with a small base, and people who exercise regularly lose weight faster than people who sit still all day. Our bodies have always been fueled by glucose, and it takes time to get used to converting it to fat-burning energy, so you can’t expect it to “change track” in one day.

Typically, the switch takes at least two or three days, if not a week. One thing to remember is that once you are into ketosis, there is no guarantee that you will always be in it. If you occasionally burst your carbohydrate, or get used to strength training and need to supplement with the right amount of carbohydrates, your body may go off keto. You can follow the carb cycle the same way you did the first time you went into ketosis, and it’s easier for your body to go back into ketosis after a ketogenic experience.

There Are Several Ways to Help You Get Into Ketosis As Quickly As Possible:

Strictly Limit Your Carbohydrate Intake

The number of carbohydrates consumed in a ketogenic diet should be around 20 grams, or 100 grams if you are an athlete or exercise a lot each day. The best way to get into ketosis fast is to try to control the number of carbohydrates. A drastic reduction in carbohydrates will speed up the process of switching your body’s metabolic pattern.

Some people worry that ketosis is bad for your health. Ketosis is a metabolic reaction that occurs when the body breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids and uses them as fuel. Carbohydrates are not necessary for our survival, and we can safely reduce them to a minimum level.

When the body does not have enough carbohydrates to convert into glucose for energy, the liver converts more stored glycogen into glucose and uses it to keep blood sugar levels stable. Once glycogen reserves are depleted, the liver mobilizes your fat stores to compensate for the lack of glucose. Therefore, the less carbohydrate you eat, the faster you can mobilize your fat reserves, and the faster you will into ketosis.

Increase Quality Fats

Another important element of the ketogenic diet is high-quality fat. When you first start a ketogenic diet, you should try to increase your intake of good fats. Enough healthy fats will help you into ketosis smoothly. In general, the percentage of fat should be 70-75%. Since fat is such a large part of the diet, it is important to make healthy food choices.

Good fats include coconut oil, MCT oil, avocado oil, extra virgin diabolical oil, grass-fed butter, animal fats, etc. But the more fat you eat, the better, too many calories will affect weight loss. Also, if you consume too much, your body will prioritize the use of foreign fats before it starts to burn its own. So when you are sure to have entered ketosis, you should properly reduce the intake of fat to accelerate fat burning.

add MCT oil into ketosis diet

Eat More Coconut Oil & MCT Oil

Among all healthy fats, coconut oil and MCT oil can more significantly improve blood ketone levels, especially MCT oil.

MCT is a fat called medium-chain triglycerides extracted from coconut oil, and unlike most fats, MCT can be absorbed quickly and go directly to the liver, where it can be used immediately for energy or converted into ketones. In addition to the four MCTs, coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid. Some studies have shown that fat sources with higher lauric acid content may produce longer-lasting ketosis.

Another role of adding coconut oil or MCT oil to the diet is to reduce the adverse effects of a ketogenic diet, such as stomach upset, fatigue, and weakness.

Eat Enough Protein in The Right Amount

To into ketosis fast, in addition to consuming low-carb and high fat, moderate and sufficient protein is also key. Adequate protein provides the liver with amino acids that can be used to produce glycogen, and it is used to make new glucose. This glucose is used to provide energy for a few organs and cells in the body that cannot use ketones as fuel, such as blood red blood cells, and for some functions of the kidneys and brain. It follows that if a protein is consumed in excess, it can also increase the glucose level in the blood. Therefore, the right amount of protein will ensure the best results for weight loss on a ketogenic diet.

In addition, during weight loss, there is often a loss of muscle and fat, and adequate protein supplementation can help maintain muscle mass. Several weight loss studies have found that ketosis can be induced and maintained on a ketogenic diet when protein intake is 0.55-0.77 g/lb (1.2-1.7 g/kg) body weight. For example, if your ideal weight is 130 lbs (59 kg), your daily protein intake should be 71-100 g.

Increase The Amount of Activity

When exercising, the body will consume glycogen reserves, in a high-carbohydrate diet, eaten carbohydrates will be broken down into glucose and converted into glycogen. When the intake of carbon water is very low, the body’s glycogen reserves will be reduced, to maintain the normal functioning of the body, the liver will increase the ketone bodies used to provide alternative fuel for muscle energy.

One study found that exercise increased the rate of ketone production at low blood ketone concentrations. In other words, maintaining proper physical activity can increase blood ketone levels and accelerate entry into ketosis. However, during the initial phase of following a ketogenic diet, the body needs time to adapt as it changes from glucose to fat metabolism, so some discomfort may occur, including fatigue and tiredness.

Therefore, this phase should be reduced strenuous exercise, such as running, strength training, etc. But not also can sit still all day, you can use more gentle exercise instead, such as yoga, walking, stretching, etc.

Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has many health benefits, including weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and improved insulin sensitivity. When used in conjunction with a ketogenic diet, it can help you into ketosis fast, accelerating fat-burning and weight loss. Studies have shown that when fasting for more than 16 hours, blood ketone levels begin to rise significantly, and blood ketone levels increase with longer fasting times.

If you follow these 6 methods to do, you will be more likely to into ketosis fast and start burning fat.

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