Bulletproof Coffee Fat-Burning
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Bulletproof Coffee & Burn Fat

Bulletproof coffee is the signature drink of the ketogenic diet and can be used to increase fat and oil intake to aid in the fat burning effects of the ketogenic diet. Significantly increasing the percentage of fat in the diet ensures that the body is in a long-term ketogenic state and improves the fat burning effect.

This article will explain the ratios of Bulletproof Coffee, dietary contraindications, and the side effects of consumption.

What is Bulletproof Coffee?

Bulletproof coffee is black coffee with coconut oil or MCT oil and unsalted cream to quickly restore energy and support a full day’s work.

Bulletproof coffee has the amazing power to promote fat burning and create a lean physique, so if consumed correctly, you can lose weight easily In addition, Bulletproof coffee is highly anticipated for its effect on improving memory and concentration.

The Proportion of Bulletproof Coffee in Making

Bulletproof coffee is very simple to make. 1 tablespoon of unsalted cream made from pasture-raised milk, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1 cup of 240cc of organic black coffee is then stirred thoroughly to make a cup of Bulletproof coffee. the addition of cream makes the taste thick and smooth, which is one of the reasons why Bulletproof coffee has become so popular in a short period.

Coconut oil contains a large percentage of saturated fat, about 87%-90%, and excessive intake of saturated fat over a long period can also increase the bad cholesterol in the blood. However, the MCT oil in coconut oil does not cause an increase in bad cholesterol, so you can choose MCT oil instead of coconut oil when making Bulletproof coffee.

Side Effects of Bulletproof Coffee Fat Burning

Bulletproof coffee combined with a ketogenic diet may cause symptoms related to ketosis such as dehydration, gastrointestinal discomfort, increased uric acid, increased blood lipids and cholesterol, low electrolytes, and other side effects.

How is Bulletproof Coffee Fat Burning?

The principle of Bulletproof Coffee to help burn fat comes from the ketogenic diet. By drastically reducing the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet, consuming only a small amount of protein, and increasing the proportion of fat in the diet, the body is forced to break down body fat to provide the calories needed to live, causing the body to enter a state of “ketosis”, which results in fat burning and a leaner body.

Bulletproof coffee helps the body reach a state of ketosis more easily by consuming all the available sugars stored in the body, allowing you to quickly switch to keto-bodies burning mode.

If you are drinking Bulletproof coffee while eating other foods besides breakfast, and your overall diet is not adjusted and your starch intake is the same as before, then you are just drinking high-fat coffee and the diet will fail and you may gain weight.

Bulletproof Coffee Fat Burning

Dietary Contraindications of Bulletproof Coffee

High-fat foods tend to burden the stomach and intestines and increase the number of bad bacteria in the intestines, so people with gastrointestinal problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis, are not recommended to drink Bulletproof coffee.

As for people with stomach pains, consider using coffee made from dark roasted beans with pure grass-fed cream and drink it properly.

It is also not suitable for people with heart disease, fatty liver or steatohepatitis, gallstones, high blood lipids (especially high triglycerides), gout or high uric acid, and people who have suffered from acute pancreatitis.

Is Bulletproof Coffee Considered a Dieting?

Long-term dieting and reduced caloric intake can lower the body’s metabolism and bring about many negative effects. However, Bulletproof coffee theoretically does not fall under the category of dieting, and according to this logic, drinking Bulletproof coffee is the same as ending a diet.

Why Bulletproof Coffee Can Fat Burning and Lose Weight

The first thing to make clear is that Bulletproof coffee is not a magic pill for weight loss, it does not directly help you lose weight by itself. What can help with weight loss is the complete diet behind Bulletproof Coffee – the low-carb ketogenic diet.

Traditional weight loss methods focus more on the calories themselves, hoping to minimize caloric intake by eating less or dieting, while increasing caloric consumption by increasing exercise, or as they are often called, “eating less and moving more”, creating a caloric difference to achieve weight loss.

And in recent years, more and more cutting-edge research has found that excess calories are only one factor leading to obesity, and a more important factor is the excessive intake of carbohydrates (sugar) in the daily diet, and the high intake of carbohydrates leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar, which in turn stimulates the secretion of insulin. In addition to transporting blood sugar to specific sites for storage as liver glycogen and muscle glycogen, insulin will also convert excess sugar into fat and hoard it if it is still available.

Traditional high-carb diets cause our bodies to keep hoarding fat without the opportunity to burn and break it down. The core of the low-carb ketogenic diet is to shift the body from a sugar-burning supply to a fat burning supply by restructuring the diet to lower the proportion of carbohydrates and increase the proportion of good fats, within a reasonable caloric intake.

Bulletproof coffee is one of the most representative meal replacements in the low-carb ketogenic diet, which contains almost no carbohydrates, but is rich in good fats.

As a breakfast or meal replacement, it not only provides the body with sufficient energy to bring a sense of satiety for a long time, but also helps the body to enter the state of burning fat for energy faster, without deliberate dieting or exercise, but also can easily achieve the effect of fat loss.


Bulletproof coffee to achieve a good fat burning effect must be combined with a low-carbon ketogenic diet, in addition to the need to pay attention to the intake of carbohydrates, fat intake also needs to pay attended to, generally, each cup of bulletproof coffee in the fat should be at least [10g] or more to provide a certain sense of satiety, preferably [20g] or more so that the satiety of bulletproof coffee is stronger. And replenish enough high-quality fat so that the body can better achieve the fat-burning effect of a low-carbon ketogenic diet.

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