Coffee and Fat Burning
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Coffee and Fat Burning

With the rising trend of overweight and obesity among adults around the world, the Internet is always full of topics about weight loss and the heat value is exploding. Among young people, various odd methods of fat burning are emerging, and you can often see netizens sharing their weight loss experiences, drinking coffee being one of them. Can you lose weight by drinking coffee?

The Relationship Between Coffee and Fat Burning

Under normal circumstances, coffee can help with fat burning, coffee can help with weight loss in several ways.

Caffeine Can Help You Control Your Appetite

Many factors affect your appetite; emotions, stress, and the foods you eat all have a lot to do with it. Some foods may make you eat more and the more hungry you are, and some may reduce your appetite.

Foods that naturally reduce appetite are recommended for coffee and MCT fats. Studies have found that coffee can lower levels of the hunger hormone (Ghrelin), which is the hormone that controls appetite and can help you reduce your appetite.

It has also been found that people who drink coffee usually consume fewer calories. Therefore, for many people, coffee still has some appetite control effect.

Coffee Fat Burning

Caffeine Can Increase Your Metabolism

Caffeine is found in many foods, such as tea, coffee, soda, and chocolate all contain some amount of caffeine, but of course, coffee has the highest amount of caffeine. Studies have found that a person who weighs about 140 pounds and drinks about seven cups of coffee can increase their metabolic rate by about 13 percent. However, it is not clear how long this number can be maintained. In addition, the average person is unlikely to drink that much coffee, and there is no need to force yourself to drink coffee if you don’t like it. To significantly increase your metabolism, you still have to go through strength training and adequate protein.

The Calorie Content of Coffee is Very Low

A freshly brewed cup of coffee (240 ml) has about 2 calories, which is better for weight loss than other sugary drinks. However, many coffees on the market are not low in calories, and if you don’t add sugar, coffee does make a good weight-loss drink. If you still feel hungry after drinking coffee, or if you eat a lot without being able to reduce your appetite, the source of the appetite is other factors, such as emotions and stress.

It Helps Eliminate Water Retention

Many people are overweight or look obese and bloated because of water retention in the body. Caffeine has a diuretic effect that increases urination and flushes excess water out of the body, improving edema without side effects.

Reduce Fat Accumulation

Among the many components of coffee, chlorogenic acid, which accounts for about 9% of coffee beans, is one of the biologically active substances in coffee that inhibits the release of glucose into the bloodstream, especially after meals, to reduce the accumulation of fat cells.

Effect of Coffee on Blood Sugar and Blood Ketones

Generally, people wake up in the morning, their blood sugar will be a little higher, which is related to the early increase in cortisol secretion, some people drink coffee, and their blood sugar will have a little change coffee itself does not cause blood sugar changes. Someone has done a test, drinking coffee three times in a row, each time the amount of 18 grams of coffee beans ground into black coffee, compared with the blood sugar when not drinking coffee.

It was found that the effect of coffee on blood sugar was minimal, with a small difference between the morning of coffee drinking and the morning of no coffee drinking, but the effect was not significant.

Effect of Coffee Drinking on Ketone Bodies

The testers also did tests on ketone bodies, which also remained almost unchanged and stayed in a normal ketogenic state.


This data suggests that drinking coffee will not cause you to move out of a ketogenic state. Of course, this is just personal data, this tester was 36 years old, ketogenic, and insulin sensitive. Blood glucose and blood ketone data vary from person to person, so if you want to know, try it yourself, buy some test strips and test them, and remember to test more than once, about three times to be convincing.

How to Drink Coffee Properly for Fat-Burning?

Choose to Drink Black Coffee

Black coffee is coffee in its purest form, which means no mate, no milk, and no sugar. Like lattes and mochas, they are high in calories and will make you gain more weight the more you drink! All other coffees are higher in calories except black coffee.

Drink 1 Hour Before Exercise

Coffee not only improves sports performance and the fat-burning effect during exercise but also continues to play a role in burning fat and burning energy for 3-5 hours after exercise.

1-2 Cups Before Exercise is Fine, You Don’t Have to Drink Too Much

The U.S. 2016 dietary guidelines also support drinking coffee, saying that drinking coffee in moderation every day is not a problem, but also beneficial to health.

Drink Coffee Intermittently

In the short term, caffeine can stimulate metabolism and increase fat burning, but after some time, the body will become tolerant to this effect and the effect will become less effective. For people who exercise to lose fat, it is recommended to use the method of intermittent drinking, a month stop one to two weeks, so drink coffee, the effect will be better!


Coffee itself does not cause obesity and has some fat-burning effects. However, caffeine may affect blood sugar in other ways, for example, coffee may increase adrenaline, leading to a decreased ability to metabolize sugar. Caffeine blocks adenosine, which may have some effect on insulin secretion, and may reduce insulin sensitivity if drinking too much coffee interferes with sleep. If drinking coffee doesn’t disrupt your sleep or get you excited enough, you have no reason to worry.

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