Keto Diet and Depression
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Keto Diet and Depression

The keto diet is known to be an effective way to lose weight, but its impact on mental health remains largely unknown. Recent research suggests that a keto diet may be an effective tool in the fight against depression as well as other mental illnesses including schizophrenia and ADHD.

A 2004 study tested the hypothesis that a keto diet might act as a mood stabilizer, showing that mice on a keto diet showed fewer signs of depression, or exhibited less “behavioral hopelessness.” “.

A 2014 study in mice revealed an even more surprising finding. The researchers put one group of mice on a keto diet and another group on normal chow. Offspring in the keto diet group were more active, with more significant development in several key areas of the brain, including the hippocampus, cerebellum, and neocortex. These effects persisted even when the offspring did not adopt the keto diet themselves.

While these animal studies provide a solid foundation for keto diet research and identify some valuable leads, overall, the human evidence is insufficient to form a consensus on whether this intervention is effective for mental disorders.

Food is Tied to Your Spirit

What you have to admit is that when in a bad mood, eating some of the foods you crave so much can instantly turn depression into laughter. This is the power of food, which has the full ability to tease your mood, but what exactly is the mechanism for this?

Foods most likely to cause depression

When you consume foods high in carbohydrates, especially sweets, your blood sugar will spike instantly and your body will have plenty of energy. At this point, the brain responds quickly by secreting higher-than-normal levels of dopamine, a substance that makes you feel happy. So you feel happy, but this pleasurable emotion is only short-lived.

This reward mechanism dissipates when blood sugar drops rapidly in the course of insulin, which in turn brings on emotions that may be stressful, anxious, irritable, etc. When moods are low, people are more inclined to choose high-sugar “comfort” foods to eat.

Poor gut health and mood

A direct line of communication exists between the brain and the gut flora, which is called the “brain-gut axis” (relying primarily on the vagus nerve), and their relationship is simply described as follows: gut flora – brain-gut axis – the brain. -brain. In other words, the brain and the gut can communicate with each other and transmit information to each other, so the gut is also known as our second brain. When emotionally overly anxious, or sad, you may find yourself unable to eat, and even sometimes your digestive system is disrupted.

And when the gut is unhealthy, one’s mood will be affected accordingly. In addition, the gut is the main part of the body that produces serotonin, which is an important neurotransmitter that regulates mood. When serotonin is high, the quality of sleep will improve, and it will be easier to have a sense of pleasure and well-being.

Inflammation – Diet – Emotion

Never underestimate the power of chronic inflammation as a “silent killer.” Many studies have shown that depression is associated with low-level chronic inflammation along with increased oxidative stress. There are many inflammatory factors in the diet, such as trans fats in highly processed foods, which damage endothelial cells in the arteries and increase inflammation in the body.

For example, vegetable oils, such as soybean oil and peanut oil, contain high levels of omega-6, which can lead to excessive intake of omega-6 (which promotes inflammation) and insufficient intake of omega-3 (which suppresses inflammation), thus triggering chronic inflammation in the body.

To combat depression, an anti-inflammatory diet is essential. A keto diet, in some way, improves and alleviates all these dietary factors that affect mood and also has a fully positive impact on the brain.

How A Keto Diet Can Improve Depression

How A Keto Diet Can Improve Depression

By understanding the relationship between diet and mood, it is probably possible to understand how a keto diet can improve or even cure depression. Below, we delve into the principles of the keto diet for depression relief.

Promote a low-carb diet with very little impact on blood sugar

The keto diet calls for avoiding high carbohydrates, especially meaning highly processed foods, consuming more healthy fats that have less impact on blood sugar, and moderate intake of high-quality protein. This largely avoids large fluctuations in blood sugar, thus reducing the impact of blood sugar fluctuations on mood ups and downs, and promoting mood stability when blood sugar is in a stable state.

Recommend a Diet That is Good For the Gut, Such as Fermented Foods

The keto diet specifically opposes processed foods and recommends eating healthy foods that are good for the gut, such as fermented foods and bone broth. A keto diet improves gut flora, which in turn affects neurotransmitters in the brain and can optimize neurotransmitter expression, thereby treating epilepsy.

Keto Diet is an Anti-inflammatory Diet

Depression affects the gut microbiome, which enhances the inflammatory response. On the other hand, the keto diet reduces the intake of refined and processed foods, and foods high in sugar, and increases the intake of omega-3-rich foods, which in turn selects for healthy fats and high-quality proteins. It is very effective in fighting inflammation and reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Ketone Bodies Protect Brain Nerves and Brain Cells

Ketone bodies are a cleaner form of “brain fuel” than glucose and increase the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). When the body is deficient in GABA, it produces anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, and worry, and increasing GABA can reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. In addition to this, ketone bodies have been found to help protect brain cells and enhance the function of mitochondria in neurons, which will help the nerves in the brain function better.

Elevated Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol has a very important role in antioxidants, fighting severity, self-repair, and hormone synthesis. Cholesterol is very important for normal mental health and a lack of fatty acids and cholesterol in the brain can lead to serious psychological problems and may even increase the risk of suicide.

Cholesterol Levels and Depression

In 1998, a Swedish study found that women with low cholesterol levels had a higher incidence of depression. And many cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as statins, greatly increase the risk of depression. Many studies have found that depressed people have lower cholesterol levels, and many people feel that high cholesterol leads to heart disease, and for years we’ve been advised to lower cholesterol with a low-fat diet, but that’s very unscientific. And in general, a keto diet raises cholesterol levels, especially the so-called good cholesterol HDL.

Gluten and Depression

Gluten-free diets are also a branch of low-carb diets. Gluten is found in grains that can trigger autoimmune diseases and cause celiac disease, and people with gluten sensitivity who regularly eat grains such as pasta can suffer from headaches, depression, and even schizophrenia.

A keto diet will inevitably reduce gluten and may improve the mental disorders caused by gluten in people with depression and schizophrenia. If you eat gluten regularly, it is recommended to remove these foods and try them.


Many different approaches have been tried and various medications have been developed to deal with anxiety and other issues involving the brain. Interestingly, not only can you lose weight while on a keto diet, but you can also reap amazing mental health benefits. For example, moods become more stable, concentration is improved, and dizziness or migraines are improved. Those who understand the keto diet also know that it can help treat brain-based disorders, including epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, migraines, and more.

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