Optimal Fat Burning Heart Rate
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Optimal Fat Burning Heart Rate: How to Test Yourself?

Many people know that running can help them lose weight. But there are some things you can do not only to do but also to get the right way. Here we mention a term that is relatively new to us: fat-burning heart rate. The efficiency of running is closely related to fat-burning heart rate.

What is Fat Burning Heart Rate?

The most effective fat-burning, heart rate is the most direct reflection. The faster you run (the higher your heart rate) and the longer you run, the more calories you will burn. The only two variables that determine how many calories you burn are heart rate and time.

If you run too fast, your staying power will be greatly reduced, and if you run too slow, your heart rate will not reach the height of fat burning, so maintaining a proper heart rate is the king of fat burning.

What is the Best Fat Burning Heart Rate to Control?

Generally speaking, a gentle, even heart rate of no more than 60-70% of your maximum heart rate (i.e. 220 minus your age) is the best fat-burning function, with 40% of the energy expended during exercise coming from fat and 60% from carbohydrates. If you want to exercise cardio, you need to achieve intense exercise above 70% of your maximum heart rate, and then 90% of the energy expended is a carbohydrate and 10% is fat.

For example, people who are too obese need to burn fat through exercise. Although strenuous exercise burns a lot of calories, it is not appropriate to rush into too strenuous exercise at the beginning because their cardio cannot cope with it yet; or they need to burn fat with mild exercise first, improve basic cardio, gradually lose weight and slim down, and then strengthen the exercise to exercise cardio.

Fat Burning Heart Zone

How to Calculate The Highest Aerobic Heart Rate?

If you have a running GPS watch and a heart rate band, it’s easy. Wearing it while running makes it simple to see your maximum heart rate, after that you just have to control your heart rate at 80% of MAX heart rate every time, which is the most convenient way.

If you don’t like wearing a heart rate band every time you run, you can also measure it yourself and find the highest aerobic zone heart rate. We need both the static heart rate and the maximum heart rate to determine this.

First, we measure our static heart rate, the so-called static heart rate is the heart rate in the early morning after waking up, without any movement, with uniform and slow breathing, this can be measured with the cell phone software.

Next is the maximum heart rate. The most common calculation method is.” Maximum heart rate = 220 – age” (assuming it is set to A). We can also measure it in other ways. Put on the heart rate belt, start running, slow to fast, gradually speed up, observe the change of heart rate until you feel your body can’t support it and record the heart rate at that time (assume it is set to B). Finally, we put on the heart rate belt and run as fast as possible, sprint until the body can’t run at all, and record the heart rate (assume it is set to C), and your maximum heart rate should be the largest value among A, B and C.

Max Aerobic Zone Heart Rate X = (Max Heart Rate – Resting Heart Rate) x 0.85 + Resting Heart Rate

Min Aerobic Zone Heart Rate Y = (Max Heart Rate – Resting Heart Rate) x 0.65 + Resting Heart Rate

The optimal effective fat-burning heart rate is between X and Y. This means that after 30 minutes of running at the effective fat-loss heart rate, you will start to burn fat. The whole process needs to be gradual, at first you can gradually increase from 3 days a week to 5 days a week, and the time gradually increases from 30 minutes to 35 minutes, then to 45 minutes, and then longer.

Run until you are sweaty and out of breath, but still understand what you are saying to others, your heart rate should be around MAX 70%. If others can no longer understand what you are saying, then the heart rate has risen above 75% and you are entering the aerobic zone.


Now I believe you have some level of understanding of fat-burning heart rate. When running, you may want to pay more attention to the fat-burning heart rate, you can make your exercise more effective and burn fat faster.

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