Drinking Too Much Fat Burning Tea Can Affect Weight Loss
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Drinking Too Much Fat Burning Tea Can Affect Weight Loss

Many women who want to lose weight like to drink tea to burn fat. Many women insist on drinking a cup of fat-burning tea every day to control the growth of fat. But drinking weight loss tea should also follow the correct method of drinking it because the wrong method will not only fail to achieve the effect of weight loss but also bring adverse health effects.

The following is an introduction to the side effects of long-term drinking weight loss tea and the contraindications of drinking weight loss tea for your reference.

Drinking Tea Fat Burning Side Effects

Weight loss tea is the preferred weight loss product for many women because it seems safer and more reassuring than general weight loss products, but in fact, there are many side effects of weight loss tea that are not suitable for long-term consumption. The following are the side effects of long-term drinking of tea fat burning.

  • Appetite Suppression Class: control the amount of food eaten by increasing satiety and reducing appetite. This tea has fat-burning side effects: the effect is uncertain and varies from person to person. Long-term consumption in large quantities may cause malnutrition.
  • Fat Absorption Blockers: Some studies have shown that this type of preparation can reduce the absorption of fat in the small intestine. Properly reducing the absorption of fat can accelerate fat loss. There are many well-known brands of weight loss products that are produced according to this type of principle. The side effects of such teas are often fat-soluble vitamins and minerals under absorption and diarrhea.
  • Carbohydrate Absorption Blockers: Some studies have shown that these drugs can reduce the body’s absorption of carbohydrates and prevent the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat, with unknown long-term side effects.
  • Diarrhea Class: Causing diarrhea reduces the body’s absorption of food. The side effects of this tea may cause gastrointestinal disorders and malnutrition.
Drinking Fat-Burning Tea Contraindications

Drinking Fat-Burning Tea Contraindications

Pregnant Women Should Not Drink Fat Burning Tea

Because women during pregnancy, the nutrients absorbed in addition to supplying their own needs to maintain a normal life, also supply the needs of the growing fetus, so the demand for nutrition is greater than before pregnancy, should not lose weight.

It’s Not Suitable To Drink After Fever

Tea contains theophylline, which has the effect of raising the body temperature, fever patients should not drink fat-burning tea, if you drink tea is like “pouring oil on the fire”. So remember, do not drink slimming tea during the fever.

Do Not Drink Immediately After Meals

The tannins contained in the tea will react with the iron in the food to produce insoluble substances, which will trigger the phenomenon of iron deficiency in the body and induce anemia. Therefore, the correct way to drink fat-burning tea is: one hour after the meal and then drink.

Should Not Be Drunk On An Empty Stomach

Drinking fat-burning tea on an empty stomach will hurt the human body. When fasting, some of the active substances will be combined with the proteins in the stomach, forming a stimulus to the stomach, which can easily hurt the stomach. So it is not suitable to drink slimming tea when fasting.

Menstrual Period Should Not Drink

During menstruation, discomfort in the lower abdomen can occur due to pelvic congestion. When taking fat-burning tea, it is also recommended not to take it or reduce the dosage appropriately during the first 2-3 days of menstruation as the tea has the effect of promoting gastrointestinal motility, which can also cause slight pain in the abdomen.

Not Suitable For Drinking During Lactation

Women who are breastfeeding need to have milk with high nutritional value to nurse their babies. Postpartum women’s body shape will change with the changes in hormone levels and will be in the adjustment period within a year, so it is not advisable to take slimming tea during lactation.


When drinking fat-burning, women who love beauty must carefully read the instructions on the usage and dosage, and if the above-mentioned situations occur, it is best to stop taking slimming tea to avoid unnecessary harm. And can not drink too much, because slimming tea will cause certain side effects on the body, so it is best to take exercise and the keto diet to lose weight is the safest and most reliable method.

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