Difference Between Lazy Ketogenic and Strict Ketogenic
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The Difference Between Lazy Ketogenic and Strict Ketogenic?

With the popularity of the ketogenic diet comes dirty ketogenic, which we can call lazy ketogenic.

Lazy ketogenic doesn’t have many restrictions, you can eat whatever you want as long as it makes your body produce ketone bodies. Some people also give laymen an introduction to what ketogenesis is and will say: just don’t eat staple foods, feel free to eat other stir-fries, fried chicken, or grilled meat. Such ketogenesis can lead too many people into misconceptions and trigger many risks.

We have always advocated that whatever your purpose in choosing low-carb, whether you are trying to lose weight quickly or become healthier, try to be careful to choose high-quality foods. However, this doesn’t mean that lazy ketogenic is completely undesirable, and you may feel some benefits as well. Today we’re going to talk about the ketogenic effects of laziness.

Lazy Ketogenic VS. Strictly Ketogenic

For everyone, the purpose of ketogenesis is not quite the same: some people do it to get leaner and more convenient quickly; others do it for health. Because the purpose is different, the ketogenic effect is also different. Simply put, lazy ketogenic people only need to pay attention to the ratio of fat, protein, and carbohydrate intake. The ratio of nutrient supply for a traditional ketogenic diet is fat (70%), protein (25%), and carbohydrates (5%).

In general, the body will produce ketone bodies over time as long as carbohydrate intake is controlled, and each person has a different tolerance for carbohydrates. Some people need to control their total carbohydrate intake to no more than 10 grams per day, while others can produce ketone bodies even if they eat 100 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Lazy Ketogenic will weaken the type of food, and quality, the purpose is to let the body burn fat and produce ketone bodies. A strict ketogenic body would focus on the quality of the food, taking into account the processing of the food, the type of additives, the source of the food, such as meat and eggs, the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats, etc.

The table below details and summarizes the differences between the two:

Dietary Characteristics
Lazy KetogenicStrictly Ketogenic
Maintains nutritional ketogenic status
Convenient and easy to implement
Less costly
Maintaining a nutritional ketogenic state
High food quality
Minimize environmental and animal impact during food production (captive animals are discouraged)
What to Eat
Lazy KetogenicStrictly Ketogenic
Convenient animal-based foods
Processed, packaged meat and seafood
Ketogenic-friendly low-carbon aquatic products, snacks
Low-carb water fast food
Cheap salads
High quality ketogenic friendly foods
Grass-fed meat, eggs, milk
Fresh seafood
High-quality oils (virgin olive oil, coconut oil, etc.)
Lazy KetogenicStrictly Ketogenic
Easier to adapt at first
Weight loss
Improvements in some health aspects
Avoid some of the disadvantages of “Buddhist ketogenic”
Improves overall physical and mental health, weight loss, and weight loss
Lazy KetogenicStrictly Ketogenic
Poor fat quality
Antibiotics, pesticides, hormones, artificial additives, and other kinds of toxic substances are a potential threat to health
Stimulates appetite, overeating, and overeating
Insufficient vitamins, trace elements
Elevated ketogenic adaptation period time
Not suitable for long-term
Pollution of the environment, adverse to climate change
A long-term implementation may be more expensive, time-consuming, and require more consideration

As you can see, the disadvantages of lazy ketogenic are many, but its advantages are irresistible: it’s easy, convenient, and delicious. Some may ask if it is worth going strictly ketogenic since the body can go into “fat-burning mode” in both cases.

Lazy Ketogenic VS Strict Ketogenic

The Risks of Lazy Ketogenic:

Lazy Ketogenic More Difficult to Control the Appetite

Lazy ketones are more difficult to control appetite, it is easy to become fat some people lazy ketones can also be thin because after removing the rice and flour sugar, there is indeed an effect, but, some people lazy ketones, but became fat. The reason is very simple, the food outside, adds so much MSG and other food additives, the purpose is to make us eat more, and let us addicted, so we can not stop. The ketogenic diet itself is relatively high in calories, if you have a strong appetite, you accidentally eat too much. Therefore, lazy ketogenic is more likely to gain weight, because the appetite is more vigorous, and you can easily eat more.

High-temperature Frying Vegetable Oil is Very Risky

In addition to rice and flour sugar, vegetable oil is also very risky, but, many ketogenic novices ignore it. High-temperature vegetable oils, also raise the intake of trans fats, raising the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also raises the risk of inflammation, a major cause of leptin resistance, and after lean resistance, you may have a hard time receiving satiety signals. omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which also raise the risk of diabetes.

Excessive Intake of Additives, and Sweeteners, May Be Addicted to Food

Our tastebuds are strange and we are obsessed with certain flavors and can easily become addicted to them. After consuming some foods, you feel happy because your brain secretes dopamine and you remember that feeling. With long-term stimulation, your dopamine receptors become desensitized, your food cravings get higher and higher, and the risk of overheating may be even higher.

It’s Easier to Binge on Carbohydrates

Many people say that once they start ketogenic, they are prone to carb binge eating. This has a lot to do with eating processed foods and eating out a lot. When we have a high appetite, it is still carbohydrates that we want to eat the most, and it is still carbohydrates that are most likely to satisfy us. Therefore, the risk of dirty ketogenic binge-eating carbohydrates is a little higher.

If you do it yourself, eat satiety, seasoning is very simple, beef and lamb, boiled with salt, simple offal, it is generally difficult to overeat, eat full automatically stop. So, overeating after ketogenic is not a problem of ketogenic, but you are addicted to other foods and can’t quit.

May ingest some hidden carbohydrates, there is a risk of ketone withdrawal

There are many carbohydrates hidden in processed foods. We often eat some hidden carbohydrates outside, which can easily stimulate appetite and promote the risk of exit ketosis.

The following are common processed foods:

  • Processed snacks
  • Starchy vegetables
  • Certain pickled vegetables and meats: be careful with pickled foods with added sugar, such as spicy cabbage, etc., which are best pickled at home.
  • Condiments and sauces: such as sweet pasta sauce, ketchup, salad dressing, barbecue sauce, Sriracha, etc.
  • Milk and flavored yogurt: especially low-fat dairy products, to which further sugar will be added.
  • Certain medications and supplements: such as cough syrup, throat lozenges, etc. contain sugar and cornstarch (not a big problem if the amount is very small).
  • Most fruit juices and fruits: the fructose content is very high and will be metabolized directly in the liver, which may cause fatty liver, there is also the risk of gout and many other problems, especially in fruit juices, so be careful.
  • Restaurant starch and sugar: such as fried sugar color, thickening, wrapped in starch deep-fried, and so on.

Which Can Be Eaten in Moderation, Which Tries to Avoid?

Can Be Eaten in Moderation:

  • Processed meat or seafood: bacon, non-starch sausage, beef jerky, lard drippings, smoked fish and bacon, canned tuna, luncheon meat, etc.
  • Full-fat dairy products
  • Ketogenic staples, low-carb water replacement staples made with coconut flour/almond flour/beta flour
  • Low-carb fast food: burger patties, etc.

Try to Avoid:

  • Any food containing margarine, margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans fats
  • Refined seed oils, vegetable oils (peanut oil, canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, etc.)
  • Burnt meat
  • Processed meat snacks with a lot of MSG, white granulated sugar
  • Coke with sugar substitutes such as Coke Zero is not good for you to reduce your appetite and relieving sugar addiction.
  • Unhealthy dairy products such as flavored yogurt with sugar


If you have the conditions, it is recommended to make some for yourself to eat raw ketones cooking is also very simple, boiled lamb chops, lamb, or fried steak, these do not have too much technical content, sprinkle salt, and you can eat directly. I believe that many working people are lazy and ketogenic, many girls especially like to snack, always looking for some low-sugar snacks to eat. Although also in ketogenic, however, may be appetites will be very strong, and it is difficult to control themselves. Of course, in the end, how should I choose, or see their situation, according to their actual situation to adjust it?

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