15 Best Liver Detox Foods
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15 Best Liver Detox Foods

The liver is the main detox organ of the body and it is responsible for filtering harmful substances from the blood so that toxins do not accumulate in the body. You can think of your liver as the filter of a vacuum cleaner. When this filter is clogged with too much dirt, the efficiency of vacuuming is reduced.

When your liver is clogged with too many toxins, your body will often feel sluggish, your immune system will decline, your skin will become sensitive and rough, and your digestion will deteriorate. Some bad habits in life and diet can harm the health of your liver and affect its normal function. Therefore, you should usually eat more liver-clean and detox foods to help nourish and protect your liver.

What Are the Symptoms of Poor Liver Detox?

We live in a modern society, but we are always exposed to various kinds of pollution, such as cosmetics, skin care products, detergents containing chemicals, polluted air, and drinking water, various additives in processed food, etc…

All these harmful substances will enter your body with breathing, eating and drinking, and even skin contact, and if they are not removed in time, they will gradually accumulate in your body, causing chronic inflammation and leading to various diseases.

When the liver is damaged and unable to work correctly, its detox function will be limited, and this is when the body will send signals and reflect through some symptoms.

  • Bloating and constipation: The liver is like a digestive control center and when it is damaged, digestion is also affected.
  • Weight gain: Too many toxins will increase the burden on the liver, making it less able to metabolize fat. Excess fat cannot be broken down and consumed and will be hoarded in various tissues and organs, making the body increasingly bloated.
  • Dull, dry, and rough skin, rosacea, or acne: The liver helps to naturally balance hormone levels in the body. When your liver accumulates too many toxins that cannot be excreted, it can cause hormonal imbalances, leading to mood swings, skin problems, and menstrual disorders in women.
  • Chemical sensitivity and allergy aggravation: When your liver is under stress, you may be more sensitive to chemicals, such as allergic reactions to exposure to detergents, pesticides, fabric softeners, glues, etc. And seasonal pollen allergies and food allergies that you already have can be aggravated.
  • Dark circles under the eyes: This is an essential sign of excess toxins in the liver, and will be more pronounced in people who stay up late often.
  • Yellowish skin and dark urine: abnormal liver cell function can lead to abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the blood, eventually causing jaundice.
  • Frequent feeling of fatigue (which can occur with severe liver disease): This is caused by changes in neurotransmission within the brain. When abnormal liver function leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the blood, symptoms such as forgetfulness, and brain fog, due to tiredness and fatigue may occur.

What Living And Eating Habits Are Most Harmful To The Liver?

Many of the behaviors or dietary practices that we take for granted in life are likely to harm the liver and can cause more serious health problems if left unchecked and unchanged.

1、Drinking Too Much

The liver metabolizes alcohol (ethanol), but when blood alcohol levels are too high, liver cells may be damaged or altered, leading to fatty deposits (fatty liver), and more serious problems such as inflammation (alcoholic hepatitis) and/or the formation of permanent scar tissue (cirrhosis).

2、An Unhealthy Diet

When your daily diet contains too many trans fats, added sugars, or fructose, it increases the burden on the liver and allows toxins to accumulate rapidly in the body, causing NAFLD.

Trans fats are those artificially refined oils that are often used in the preparation of pastries, cookies, frying, and a variety of deeply processed foods to add texture, crispness, or extended shelf life. Added sugars and concentrated fructose, incredibly high fructose corn syrup, and concentrated glucose can stimulate liver fat production.

3、Too Much Salt

Excessive sodium intake may cause damage to the liver. Studies on some animals have proven that too much sodium can lead to a lower rate of liver cell division, cell deformation, or death. For people who already have liver problems, excess sodium can lead to water retention and inflammation in the body, both of which may overwork the liver.

4、Take Drugs Indiscriminately

Almost all drugs have some toxic side effects on the liver and kidneys, including some “tonics”. Even the safest herbal medicines we feel have the requirements of compatibility, dosage, and indications, so you can’t just take them. Therefore, any medication should be taken under the guidance of a doctor and by the instructions for use and dosage.

Which Foods Can Help Liver Cleanse and Detox

Which Foods Can Help Liver Cleanse and Detox?

Many of our common foods have good liver protection and detoxification effects, often eaten to help eliminate toxins and cleanse the liver.

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are rich in the amino acid arginine, which helps the liver detoxify ammonia. It is also rich in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which provide support for natural liver cleansing.

2. Garlic

Garlic contains selenium, a mineral that helps detoxify the liver. It also can activate liver enzymes that can help the body naturally eliminate toxins.

3. Citrus Fruits

Fruits such as grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and limes can enhance the liver’s cleansing ability. Even in small amounts, citrus fruits can prompt the liver to produce detox enzymes and expel harmful substances.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage contain thioglucosides, which help the liver produce detox enzymes. They also have a combination of sulfur compounds that promote liver health.

5. Green Leafy Vegetables

Kale, spinach, kale, and other green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll, which can eliminate toxins from the blood and neutralize heavy metals, thus protecting the liver.

6. Avocado

Also known as avocados, they can be considered a superfood. In addition to cleansing the blood, they also enable the body to naturally produce glutathione, a compound that helps the liver eliminate toxins from the body.

7. Carrots

Carrots are high in flavonoids and beta-carotene, which can stimulate and support liver function. They also contain vitamin A, which can prevent liver disease.

8. Apple

The pectin contained in apples is a chemical that helps cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and can help reduce the burden on the liver and promote liver function.

9. Turmeric

This herb helps the liver produce enzymes that flush out toxins, and turmeric also contains antioxidants that repair liver cells, assist the liver in eliminating heavy metals, and promote bile production.

10. Beets

Beets cleanse the blood and increase blood oxygen levels, as well as break down toxic wastes and help them get out of the body faster. Beets can stimulate bile flow and promote enzyme activity. It also contains fiber and vitamin C, which are natural cleansers of the digestive system.

11. Green Tea

Green tea contains catechol, a plant antioxidant that can improve liver function. A small study of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver found that drinking green tea high in antioxidants improved liver enzyme levels after 12 weeks, and also reduced oxidative stress and fat deposition in the liver.

12. Onion

Onions are rich in flavonoids and phytonutrients, as well as the antioxidant selenium, which helps scavenge the body of free radicals and help the liver detox.

13. Olive oil

Olive oil is a healthy fat, which is not only good for the heart, but also can absorb harmful toxins in the body and reduce the lipid-proof content in the liver.

14. Berry Fruits

Studies have shown that certain berries, such as blueberries, cranberries, and mulberries, can help fight liver cancer due to their high antioxidant content. Blueberries also help increase immune cell response and antioxidant enzyme activity.

15. Lettuce, Bamboo Shoots, And Asparagus

These three types of shoots have a common effect – liver protection.

  • Lettuce, which contains an aromatic hydroxylated ester, can prevent liver cancer and also relieve cancer patients from the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Bamboo shoots are good at clearing heat and eliminating phlegm and accelerating the metabolism of substances into energy, which not only “fuels” the liver, but also repairs liver function and prevents fatty liver.
  • Asparagus, rich in B vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, especially the antioxidant selenium content higher than the average vegetable, can destroy free radicals and help detoxify the liver. The amino acids and minerals in asparagus and asparagus leaf extract can reduce hangover symptoms and protect liver cells from alcohol toxins.


The liver is the most important detox organ in the body. Regular liver cleansing and detox help to promote digestive function, strengthen immunity and improve skin health. Usually, eat more foods that help detoxify the liver and change those bad habits of life and diet that are most harmful to the liver.

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