DASH diet helps hypertensive patients lose weight
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How to Lose Weight in Hypertension?

Obesity is very closely related to hypertension and can be considered a cause of high blood pressure. And weight loss in obese people can bring down blood pressure and relieve headaches, edema, proteinuria, and dyspnea. Excessive weight gain accelerates the aging of blood vessels, increases the deposition of blood vessel walls, thickens them, raises blood pressure due to poor blood flow, and increases the burden on the heart. Therefore, it is important to be fully aware of the dangers of being overweight and obese and to consciously cooperate with doctors to control weight effectively.

Then, scientific weight control becomes very important. When it comes to weight control, many people will associate it with not eating for a few days, or not eating breakfast and dinner. This blind weight control method will not only play a role in preventing and treating diseases but also cause mental burdens, malnutrition, decreased resistance, and other diseases.

Hypertension Should Gradually Reduce Their Weight

Generally speaking, mildly obese people can control three meals a day without excessive seriousness but should avoid additional food intake, such as snacks, candy, and sugary drinks, etc., while paying attention to the appropriate increase in labor intensity and physical activity, to achieve a monthly weight loss of 0.5 to 1 kg until it returns to normal standards.

Moderately overweight obese people should strictly restrict their diet, in addition, try to use low-calorie food, but also greatly reduce the amount of food, can start by reducing 100 ~ 150 grams of staple food per day, the amount of food can start from reducing 150 ~ 250 grams per day, and should limit high-fat, high-sugar diet, and later adjust according to the weight and other reactions. Second, potatoes, fatty meat, and greasy dried fruits and nuts should be prohibited, and more low-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits should be eaten to reduce hunger and supply sufficient inorganic salts and vitamins.

In the process of diet control, it should be carried out scientifically and gradually under the guidance of a doctor, do not be too hasty, otherwise, malnutrition, dizziness, and weakness of the limbs will occur, resulting in a reduction in physical activity, which will not only fail to achieve the purpose of weight loss but also increase weight. From the perspective of weight loss, 4 to 6 meals per day are more reasonable, while reducing staple foods should be appropriate to increase the intake of high-quality protein to increase calorie consumption and improve the weight loss effect. In addition, weight control should be adhered to in the long term, if you stop controlling your diet after weight loss, your weight will quickly return to its original level, or even fatter.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

In addition to diet control, you can also follow the DASH diet plan to achieve the desired weight loss effect and control high blood pressure.

The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is a long-term healthy diet designed to prevent and reduce hypertension and has been recognized by 22 medical and nutritional experts across the United States as the best overall diet among 35 diets for five consecutive years.

The DASH diet focuses on what people with hypertension should eat more of, rather than just emphasizing not eating this or that. the core principles of the DASH diet are to control sodium intake, adopt a diet high in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and dietary fiber, rich in unsaturated fatty acids and moderate saturated fatty acids, and promote a diet high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, some fish and poultry. In addition, an eating plan with small amounts of nuts, red meat, sugar, and fat is recommended to improve overall health through a combination of nutrients that can lower blood pressure.

In addition to controlling your diet and following the DASH diet plan, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising more, limiting alcohol intake, and not smoking can also help lower and control high blood pressure!

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