Effect Of Metabolism On Fat Burning
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Effect Of Metabolism On Fat Burning

Metabolism is not new to most of us, we have heard about it at one time or another in our lives. However, many people do not know much about the relationship between metabolism and fat burning. Today, let’s learn more about it!

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the general term for all the orderly chemical changes in an organism that are generally catalyzed by enzymes. Metabolism is generally divided in nature into substance metabolism and energy metabolism.

Material metabolism refers to the exchange of substances between the organism and the external environment and the transformation of substances in the organism, such as the intake of nutrients from the outside world and their transformation into their substances, the oxidation, and decomposition of some of their substances and the excretion of metabolic wastes.

Energy metabolism refers to the exchange of energy between the organism and the external environment and the transformation of energy in the organism, such as the storage and release of energy.

Factors Affecting Metabolism Rate in Fat Burning

Factors Affecting Metabolic Rate


The younger you are, the faster your metabolism will be. This is because the body grows, especially faster during infancy and adolescence.

The metabolic rate of a newborn is about twice that of an older person. after the age of 25, the basal metabolic rate slowly decreases, and even if you still eat the same amount of food, your body will consume less and you will slowly gain weight. Generally speaking, the body’s basal metabolic rate will decrease by 100 calories per year during the 10 years from age 25 to 35 without increasing exercise.

2、Body Epidermis

The larger the epidermis of the body, the faster the metabolism. Between two people of the same weight and different sizes, the shorter person will have a slower metabolism than the taller person. Taller people have a larger epidermis and their bodies dissipate heat faster, so they need to speed up their metabolism to produce calories.


Men usually have a faster metabolism than women. It is widely believed that this is due to the greater proportion of muscle tissue in the male body. Muscle tissue is active even when a person is at rest, while fat tissue is inactive.


The body’s metabolism is accelerated during and for several hours after intense physical activity. During intense exercise, the metabolic rate can be up to 20 times higher than at rest. Energy expenditure continues for some time even after exercise has stopped. The greater the proportion of muscle in the body, the higher the metabolic rate; the greater the proportion of fat, the lower the metabolic rate.

Is It Better To Have A Fast Or Slow Metabolism?

If the metabolism is too slow, the whole person will feel easily fatigued, may have an insufficient blood supply, lower body temperature, and slow personal activity (thinking, acting).

If the metabolism is too fast, the pulse will be faster, more sweating, better detoxification, faster, and better fat burning, so for dieters, a fast metabolism is better than a slow one.

Benefits Of Fast Metabolism

  1. For wounds, a faster metabolism can promote the production of new cells, speed up the healing of wounds and return them to their original state.
  2. It can eliminate waste and toxins from the body in time to maintain a good physical condition.
  3. Improves metabolism at night, promotes digestion, and is good for the skin.
  4. Promotes the secretion of growth hormones in the body, promotes the growth of bones, and helps the body to grow. This is caused by body growth, especially in infancy and adolescence, the growth rate is faster.
  5. Accelerates fat burning and helps in weight loss.
  6. Breaks down aging cells and replaces them with normal cells, slowing down aging.

How To Boost Metabolism In Fat Burning?

  • Drink More Water: Water is very important for the body’s metabolism because the body needs water to participate in metabolism. This means that if we do not have enough water in our body, it will lead to a slowdown of metabolism. Therefore, we must develop the habit of drinking more water, only in this way, our metabolism will be accelerated, and fat can be burned.
  • Spicy Food To Promote Metabolism Run: Spicy food can speed up the body’s metabolic rate and accelerate the burning of fat. This is because spicy food contains a compound that can prompt the body’s metabolism to tell to run, this compound can improve the metabolic rate by 23%.
  • Eat Breakfast: Breakfast is one of the three meals of the day that is most closely related to metabolism and weight loss. Some studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who skip breakfast. This is because when people sleep, their metabolic rate is low, and only when they eat again does it rise again.
  • Eat More Protein: Studies have shown that consuming adequate amounts of protein increases the body’s metabolism and allows the body to burn an additional 150-200 kcal per day. Protein is mainly composed of amino acids and the body needs more time to digest these foods compared to fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, more calories need to be burned to break them down. Of course, this does not mean that people’s diets have to be mainly high in protein. However, you should make sure that 10-35% of your total daily calorie intake comes from protein so that you have a balanced diet.
  • Drink Green Tea: Not only is green tea known for its anti-cancer properties, but it also contains ingredients that increase norepinephrine, a substance that is important for speeding up metabolism. As you can see, drinking tea not only prevents heart disease and cancer, but it is also very useful for weight loss.


The rate of metabolism is related to age, weight, and diet, and each person burns fat at a different rate. As we age, our metabolic rate decreases year by year, so if we want to lose weight, we must speed up our basal metabolism so that we can achieve better fat-burning results.

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