Benefits of the Paleo Diet
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Does the Paleo Diet Work for Fat Burning?

With the development of society and the convenience and diversification of diet, “obesity” has become an important topic and a common disease that modern people must face. For the health of the body, Paleo Diet has become a craze in recent years. Touted as one of the best meal plans for weight loss, it emphasizes increasing feelings of fullness and the easiest way to lose weight by eating nutrient-dense foods.

Today we will take you to understand what is Paleo Diet and what are its benefits?

What is the Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet method emphasizes the study of food materials that primitive people in the Stone Age lived by hunting and gathering. Of course, as the name suggests, this diet emphasizes eating only archetypal foods. It is believed that our human digestive system is not designed to handle these high quantities of processed foods, which means that processed foods, refined foods, or grains do not appear in our meals and tables, all we eat is a plate of fruits, vegetable Nuts, nuts, and meat, these nutrients also meet our body’s five most basic nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

But the nutrient intake ratio will reduce carbohydrate-rich grains, mainly protein and fat, which is the key reason why the Paleo diet is criticized. However, a true Paleo diet is about keeping your carb intake around 30-40%, which is nothing like our usual low-carb or ketogenic diets.

List of allowed intakes:

  • Fresh meat
  • Fish/seafood
  • Fresh Vegetables and Fruits
  • Egg
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Healthy oils (olive, walnut, coconut, butter, butter, avocado, flaxseed, nut oils)

Do not allow intake list:

  • Cereals
  • Legumes (including peanuts)
  • Dairy products
  • Refined chain sugar
  • All processed foods
  • Refined vegetable oils (including soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc.)

Seeing the food list above, everyone must be wondering why grains are at the top of the blacklist? Just imagine, have you ever felt tired and sleepy after eating a lot of processed food like snacks or a lot of sugary drinks, or a lot of white rice products? This is precise because our body’s insulin doesn’t have time to process the high amounts of sugar that carbs bring.

According to one study, gluten intolerance has been linked to a variety of conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, dermatitis, depression, type 1 diabetes, autism, and more. In addition, bran contains exogenous lectins (Lectins), which can reduce the absorption of nutrients in the intestine, thereby inhibiting the excessive secretion of protease by the pancreas and hindering the absorption of protein in the intestine.

Does the Paleo Diet Work for Fat Burning

Benefits of the Paleo Diet

1. Promotes Weight Loss

For many people, following the Paleo diet can lead to significant weight loss because the diet’s emphasis on eating fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, along with satiety-boosting fats and proteins can successfully reduce appetite and reduce excessive weight loss. Caloric intake so you will see your weight and body fat start to drop, but this may vary from person to person.

2. Add Protein

As we all know, the recommended intake of protein for general adults is 0.8g per kilogram per day, which means that about 12% of protein must be taken in from food per kilogram per day, and protein is necessary for repairing and rebuilding tissue cells. It is necessary to normalize blood sugar, deliver oxygen, heal wounds and increase muscle mass. Therefore, this diet places special emphasis on the intake of large amounts of protein, such as grass-fed beef, chicken, seafood, etc.

3. Reduces Inflammation Problems

Inflammation is a normal bodily response triggered by the immune system to defend against foreign invaders. According to a report from Harvard Medical School, “chronic inflammation” causes and contributes to the development of many common diseases, such as cancer, and heart disease, and chronic diseases such as diabetes. Therefore, eating more anti-inflammatory foods such as fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body that cause inflammation; nuts are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, which can effectively reduce inflammation or autoimmune disease symptoms.

4. Increase Satiety

This diet places special emphasis on meals that contain a lot of healthy fats and proteins, which will help keep you feeling full and reduce your appetite. This is because when we eat, fat stays in the stomach longer and a diet with a lot of protein also reduces the concentration of the hunger hormone gastrin to reduce appetite and also kick-starts the metabolism and reduce caloric intake; in addition, because we reduce refined grains and processed foods, these foods are easily digested, causing a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and therefore reducing the feeling of easy hunger.

5. Changing Nutritional Deficiencies

Since the paleo diet prioritizes foods with high nutrient density, these foods can provide the body with many important micronutrients, for example, an increased intake of red meat can provide more iron, and nuts in the diet can increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, all of which are sufficient to help our body be healthy.

6. The Role of Regulating Blood Sugar

While not as extreme as a very low-carb (hypoglycemic diet) or no-carb diet (ketogenic diet), the paleo diet does limit many types of carbohydrates, such as grains, which may have a positive impact on your blood sugar levels, and this diet also places special emphasis on nutrients such as fat and protein, which slow digestion and keep blood sugar levels stable.

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared the Paleo Diet of 24 people with diabetes to the diet recommended by the American Diabetes Association, and after two weeks researchers found that the Paleo Diet resulted in improved blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity compared to the traditional diabetes diet.

Of course, lifestyle factors also play an important role in preventing diabetes. In addition to making dietary modifications, regular exercise, lowering stress levels, and drinking more water can all help you maintain normal blood sugar.


There are many questions and controversies about all the benefits of the paleo diet. Many opponents argue that a diet that excludes dairy, legumes, and grains is too strict and that the diet’s focus on animal protein makes it more difficult for vegetarians to maintain.

However, we can learn from the benefits of this diet by eating less processed foods and more healthy fruits and vegetables, meats, and fats. Instead of cutting out other good food sources, we can turn food and our bodies into good partners.

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