Take MCT Oil During Fasting
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Can I Take MCT Oil During Fasting?

Fasting has become a popular way of living and eating, and many people around the world have used it to successfully lose weight or control their weight, or improve their overall health.

The hardest part of light fasting is the initial phase, mainly the feeling of hunger when you can’t eat for more than 10 hours in a row, and if you don’t have some perseverance and self-discipline, it’s not easy to stick to it.

There are several ways to help you get through those first few days more smoothly. For example, keep yourself busy, drink lots of water or tea, and eat as much protein and healthy fats as you can when you can – these foods prolong the feeling of fullness. To alleviate hunger, some people add MCT oil to their diet and even eat some during fasting. Does this work?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting, also known as fasting or light fasting, is when you stop eating any caloric foods and beverages for a certain period. It’s not just a way of eating, it’s a whole new way of living.

Imagine gradually reducing from the three meals a day you have been accustomed to, as well as various snacks and extra meals, to two meals a day or even one meal a day. Once you get used to this routine, the benefits are not only your weight and health, but also a more simplified and efficient life.

Fasting has a long history; it was initially adopted as a religious culture in several countries around the world. It has been passed down and developed over the centuries and has gradually come to the attention of the medical community. More and more studies are proving the various health benefits of fasting. In addition to significant weight loss, the potential health benefits of light fasting include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Promoting physiological ketosis
  • Improving brain health
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • May reduce the risk of cancer
  • Reduces insulin resistance and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
  • May improve heart health
  • Reduces inflammation

How can such a simple diet do all of this? The answer is that they are all related to cellular autophagy.

When fasting reaches a certain point it triggers the autophagy mechanism, which helps your body to repair and cleanse itself. Autophagy removes harmful cells that are aging, abnormal, or may cause disease, and repairs damaged cells. Once the cleanup is complete, your body can heal itself. This process is like a computer reset that restores the entire system to its optimal state.

Fasting is one effective way to induce autophagy. When fasting, your body can focus all of its energy on cellular repair because it doesn’t waste energy on digesting food. In addition, the ketogenic diet is another way to induce autophagy.

What is MCT Oil?

MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) is a supplement that is very popular in sports, fitness, and keto diets. Its main ingredient is a fat called medium-chain triglycerides.

MCT oil is digested, absorbed, and uniquely used in the body. It has smaller molecules than those found in most fats we eat (long-chain triglycerides [LCT]), which makes them easier to digest. The body can quickly absorb MCT from the bloodstream and convert it into usable energy.

Most MCT is extracted from coconut oil, with a small percentage coming from palm kernel oil. You can buy 100% MCT oil, or a mixture of MCT and LCT, on the market.

MCT’s Role:

  • Promotes metabolism
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Improves exercise performance
  • Maintains healthy cholesterol levels
  • Reduces hunger pangs
  • Improve intestinal health
  • Control appetite
  • Reduces inflammation
Can I Take MCT During Fasting

Can I Take MCT During Fasting?

You cannot eat any calorie-laden diet during a fast because calorie-laden foods trigger an insulin response. MCT oil is a high-calorie food, so, in theory, MCT would also break a light fast.

However, as stated above, MCT has minimal effect on digestion and absorption, so taking small amounts of MCT during a fast is not a major problem. The best practice is to use MCT oil when you can eat to help prolong the feeling of satiety.

Many people who also follow a ketogenic diet will drink a cup of Bulletproof coffee in the morning or before they start fasting, and the main ingredient in this high-calorie coffee is MCT oil. Bulletproof coffee is said to provide enough energy for a full day and a clearer mind.

How to Choose MCT Oil?

The most common MCT on the market comes in two sizes, an oil and a powder (usually in a capsule), usually, the oil is of higher purity and quality.

Factors to consider when choosing MCT oil:

  • Coconut and Palm Oil: MCT oil can come from coconut oil, or a mixture of coconut oil and palm oil. However, not all palm kernels are compliant, so many consumers prefer MCT oil derived from coconut oil.
  • Organic: Try to choose organic products that are free of potentially harmful chemicals. They also tend to be non-GMO products.
  • Availability of flavoring: While most MCT oils have no particular flavor, you can still find flavored products. For example, mocha and vanilla-flavored MCT oils are great for adding a kick to bulletproof coffee.
  • Choose a BPA-free bottle: MCT oils are often packaged in plastic, so choose a bottle that is free of bisphenol A (BPA), a harmful industrial chemical used in the manufacture of polycarbonate hard plastics and epoxy resins.

Are There Risks to Taking MCT Oil?

For most healthy people, MCT oil is safe. However, some people may have some adverse reactions:

  • If you have diabetes, MCT oil is not recommended because it may increase the ketone bodies in your body.
  • In rare cases, MCT oil can irritate the digestive tract. When this happens, there may be symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or flatulence.
  • More research is needed to prove the safety of MCT oil for pregnant women or people with liver disease.
  • Long-term high doses of MCT oil may increase the amount of fat in the liver. Therefore, a safe upper limit of 4 to 7 tablespoons (60-100 mL) per day is recommended.

MCT is high in calories and should be consumed as part of your total fat intake rather than as additional fat if you are trying to maintain your weight or lose weight. Side effects of consuming MCT are relatively rare, but if you experience any discomfort, stop taking MCT temporarily and consult a medical professional.


MCT oil has many benefits, such as improving metabolism, maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, and promoting gut health. It can also be used as a supplement to support intermittent fasting, and if used properly can help you feel full longer and increase weight loss. However, it should be noted that MCT is high in calories and is best not consumed during fasting periods, and the dosage should also be controlled to avoid excessive calorie intake.

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