Eat More of These 3 Vegetable Oils When Losing Weight
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Eat More of These 3 Vegetable Oils When Losing Weight

Vegetable oils are used at home, the most common ones such as soybean oil, peanut oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, and so on. But not every cooking oil is good for the body, some oils can harm health when eaten in excess.

When buying cooking oil, you need to pay attention to the way it is processed. The healthiest is cold pressed. This method of refining does not compromise the integrity of the oil and retains all the minerals and other nutrients.

Heating the oil during cooking removes most of the flavor from the oil. However, prolonged heating at high temperatures can break down the important proteins and nutrients in the oil and may even convert its antioxidant properties into toxic free radicals. If oil is overheated, even the healthiest polyunsaturated fats can break down into trans fats, which can affect health and even lead to weight gain.

Top 3 Healthy Vegetable Oils

If you want to lose weight, changing your diet is the most effective and healthiest way to do so. Starting with cooking, replacing traditional vegetable oils with nutrient-rich cooking oils can achieve twice the result with half the effort

Extra virgin olive oil

1、Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease bad cholesterol (LDL), as well as reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.

In addition, olive oil can increase satiety and prevent you from overeating other junk foods rich in empty calories or trans fatty acids. Although olive oil is not low in calories either, it is healthier than most vegetable oils and fat sources.

The monounsaturated fatty acids contained in olive oil promote digestion and increase bowel movements. Good digestion is the key to weight loss. Poor digestion can hinder metabolism, which can affect weight loss.
Extra virgin olive oil is the least processed form of olive oil. As a result, it retains its natural antioxidants (which fight free radicals), vitamins, and other nutrients. These nutrients are easily lost during the processing process. Therefore, compared to regular olive oil, extra virgin olive oil is healthier, but also more expensive.

Differences between extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil:

Extra VirginGeneral
Made From Pure Cold Pressed Olive OilThis is Blend of Oils, Including Cold-pressed & Processed
Preserves the Antioxidants & Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Olive OilHeat-treated for Less Antioxidant Content
Retains More Olive Flavor & Has Less AcidityChemically Treated or Refined to Remove Odors
Contains More Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Chlorophyll & MagnesiumFewer Nutrients
More ExpensiveRelatively Cheap

Olive oil has a relatively low smoke point of 375°F (190°C), so it is best suited for low to medium-temperature cooking, such as sautéing and baking, or can be sprinkled directly into salads for consumption. Be careful not to cook olive oil at high temperatures, such as grilling or frying. Olive oil should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, as this will prolong the shelf life of the oil.

2、Coconut oil

In recent years, coconut oil has become very popular in diets for weight loss, especially low-carb diets such as ketogenic and Atkins. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, and polyphenols, which can help balance hormones, thus preventing weight gain due to hormonal imbalance.

Coconut oil is 82% to 92% saturated fat and therefore solidifies at low temperatures. Although mostly saturated fats, unlike butter and red meat, coconut oil contains high levels of medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs).

MCTs can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and used immediately as fuel. They do not increase cholesterol as long-chain fatty acids do, nor are they stored as fat in the body as readily as long-chain fatty acids.

Studies have shown that the consumption of coconut oil may reduce inflammation, increase heart-protective HDL cholesterol levels, and promote insulin sensitivity. Improving insulin sensitivity not only helps control blood sugar levels but also aids in fat-burning and weight loss.

Unrefined virgin coconut oil also has a low smoke point of 350°F (176°C), making it suitable for low-medium heat cooking or as a substitute for butter in baking. If you are following a ketogenic diet, you can also make bulletproof coffee with coconut oil or MCT for fat-burning, satiating, and increased energy. It should be noted that coconut oil is high in calories and should be consumed in moderation.

3、Avocado oil

More and more healthy diets are now emphasizing “high-fat”, most typically low-carb diets. In these diets, it is recommended to eat more nutrient-dense foods such as grass-fed raw meats, pork, eggs, nuts, avocados, etc.

Avocados are a superfood that is rich in healthy fats, important antioxidants, and many other nutrients. In addition to eating it directly or making guacamole, if you’re following a ketogenic diet, you can also use it to make chocolate avocado truffles that are delicious, filling, and fat-burning.

Avocados are high in fat, and the avocado oil that is extracted from them is a healthy fat.
Similar to olive oil, avocado oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids that are good for heart health and may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and help reduce belly fat.

Avocado oil has a high smoke point of 482°F (250°C). You can use it for grilling, frying, and other high-temperature cooking, or drizzle it directly into salads.


If you want to lose weight or improve your overall health, adjusting your diet is the most effective way to do so. Using the healthiest vegetable oils in your cooking will not only give your food better color and flavor but will also help you get more nutrients. Most importantly, healthy fats help promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases caused by inflammation.

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