How vegetarians do the keto diet
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How Vegetarians Do the Keto Diet

People choose a vegetarian diet for different reasons, ranging from ethnic or religious reasons to animal protection or environmental considerations, a pure dislike of meat, or a belief that eating meat is unhealthy. So, how can vegetarians practice a keto diet?

Classification of Vegetarians

Internationally, there are four possible categories of vegetarians, based on the stringency of their choice of vegetarian ingredients. They are listed below in order of strictness, from highest to lowest.

  • Strict Vegetarians (Vegans)

Refrain from eating all meat, eggs, and animal products, including dairy products, honey, and anything that can be linked to animals.

  • Lacto-Vegetarians

On top of being strictly vegetarian, this type of vegan also eats dairy products and perhaps honey. Many native-born Indians are this type of vegetarian.

  • Egg and Milk Vegetarians

On top of the Lacto-vegetarians, they also eat eggs. Many vegetarians in Europe, the United States, and other Western countries may fall into this category.

  • Pescatarian

This category of vegetarians not only eats dairy products and eggs, but also seafood, so they may not be considered vegetarians according to our understanding. Some people may not like red meat and are not comfortable eating various kinds of animal meat, but they can eat fish and seafood. Such people will not have any obstacles to going on a keto diet because seafood contains various nutrients that the body needs.

The contradiction between the first three vegetarians and ketogenesis is that the human body has nine essential amino acids that can only be obtained through food, and these essential amino acids are abundant in meat but rare in plants, so vegetarians need to eat a lot of grains, legumes, seeds, etc. to get enough essential amino acids, with the result that they will also consume an excess of carbohydrates, which makes ketogenesis impossible.

Another option is the “Eco-Atkins diet,” which is a modified version of the Atkins diet, a low-carb, high-protein diet that is not strictly keto but is a diet that allows vegetarians to reap the benefits of low carbohydrates.

What Should Vegetarians Do On a Keto Diet

What Should Vegetarians Do On a Keto Diet?

Limit Carbohydrates

To enter a keto state, it is important to ensure a sufficiently low carbohydrate intake. Although a strict keto diet requires a carbohydrate intake of fewer than 20 grams per day, vegetarians may consider relaxing this limit at their discretion.

Traditional vegetarians eat a variety of staple foods; wheat, rice, and mixed grains should not be eaten; starchy root vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and squash, should not be eaten or eaten sparingly; and the vast majority of fruits, even if they are to be eaten, should be eaten in controlled amounts.

Try to use vegetables with low carbohydrate content, such as leafy vegetables. You can eat some mushrooms, tomatoes and other vegetables that are not too high in carbohydrates, carrots, radishes, and other root vegetables, pumpkin, and other starchy vegetables to control the amount, while it does not hurt to eat a little.

Konjac is a good substitute for noodles and has a very low carbohydrate content. Dairy products should be high in fat and milk should be consumed sparingly, otherwise, it is easy to cause carbohydrate overload.

Eat the Right Amount of Protein

It is important to ensure adequate protein intake, especially of the various essential amino acids. Keto vegetarians have fewer food choices than traditional vegetarians, so access to quality protein is limited to a very small amount.

This is primarily through some keto-friendly nuts and seeds, as well as dairy products and eggs (when available). Protein requirements are about one to two times the amount in kilograms of body weight, for example, a 60 kg person needs 60 to 120 grams of protein per day.

Eggs and cheese are good sources of protein, and nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and walnuts are also richer in protein and lower in carbohydrates. Although soy and related products have been considered a better source of protein, soy has many problems, such as soy protein not being easily absorbed and soy estrogen possibly affecting gene expression in the body.

Whether or not to use soy as a primary source of protein still needs to be arranged on an individual basis, and fermented soy products such as natto are much better. Other legumes, such as green beans, red beans, string beans, and chickpeas, can also be consumed at your discretion depending on the carbohydrate content.

Eat Good Quality Fats

Fats and oils are not only a major source of energy, but they are also solvents for the body to absorb many important fat-soluble vitamins, plus they contain many essential fatty acids (which the body cannot make).

Eggs and milk Vegetarians can get a lot of fat from dairy products and eggs. They can choose from butter, cheese, Indian ghee, cream, and a variety of eggs that are not only rich in fat but also high in protein.

Strict vegetarians do not consume meat products or animal products and can only get their fats from plants. Traditional grain and seed oils, such as sunflower, peanut, soy, and corn oils, can put a lot of oxidative stress on the body due to the excessive amount of Omega-6 fatty acids unless you can consume large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids to maintain a balance between the two (preferably less than a 4:1 ratio).

Better sources of vegetable fats can be olive oil, coconut oil, etc. Avocados are a good source of fat, as well as a variety of keto-friendly nuts such as almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds. Flaxseeds and walnuts are richer in omega-3 fatty acids, which are not as well absorbed as fish oil but can be used as an alternative to fish oil.

Strict vegetarians may have to rely on nuts to get enough fat, and even nuts that are low in carbohydrates do not always guarantee a carbohydrate intake of fewer than 20 grams, so strict vegetarians may consider a mildly keto diet or just a low-carb diet.

Eat Plenty of Vegetables

Since it is uncertain whether vegetarians will get enough sources of fat, it may still be important for vegetarians to maintain two or even three meals a day over the long term until they can work out a diet plan that works for them.

Make sure each meal is rich and plentiful in low-carb vegetables, primarily a variety of leafy greens whose fiber provides satiety and, most importantly, a variety of micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals.

Fermented vegetables are a great choice, keto is very keto-friendly, and kimchi and sauerkraut are easy to make and delicious. Marine vegetables are also a good choice. Vegetarians can eat more seaweed, nori, and wakame even if they don’t eat seafood.

If you want to eat fruit, choose low-sugar ones such as avocado, lemon, or small amounts of oranges and kiwis, which are high in vitamin C, and low-sugar berries such as blueberries.

Choose a Wide Variety of Condiments

Swap refined salt for sea or Himalayan salt, try Western spices such as basil in Western meals, occasionally use red wine vinegar instead of rice vinegar, mustard instead of chili pepper in curry meals, scallions, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, oil consumption, and black pepper. Condiments not only provide a rich and exciting taste experience, but they are also a great way to get certain nutrients.

Consider Taking Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin D. If you can’t ensure you’re getting enough of these essential micronutrients from a vegetarian diet, or if you don’t have time for sun exposure, then consider taking supplements for proper supplementation.


If you want to implement a vegan keto diet, you still need to get hands-on and gradually figure out what works for you as you go along. Fish vegetarians have no difficulty, egg, and lacto-vegetarians can eat more quality dairy products and eggs, while strict vegetarians may not be able to ensure a low enough carbohydrate intake and can relax their requirements appropriately. There is no perfect diet plan, only gradual refinement with practice. Happy keto to vegetarians.

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