Top 10 Reasons Why Weight Loss Rebound
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Top 10 Reasons Why Weight Loss Rebound

Many people are trying their best to lose weight. Losing weight is easier said than done, and even if you lose weight successfully if you don’t pay attention to the method, there will be a phenomenon of weight loss rebound. As a result, many people are caught in a cycle of burning fat, losing weight, and rebounding, which makes them very painful.

Why Do You Rebound After Losing Weight?

There are many reasons for weight loss rebound. For example, the wrong weight loss method is adopted. Even after weight loss is successful, there will be a rebound phenomenon. It is impossible to consume the calories of three meals a day normally, and the remaining calories will easily form fat, and the phenomenon of weight loss rebound will appear. Therefore, if you don’t want to rebound after losing weight, you should first improve your body’s metabolic capacity.

Reasons for Rebound Weight Loss:

1. Girls can’t meditate, and boys haven’t changed their bad habits

What makes girls rebound is emotion, what makes boys rebound is bad habits, and the result is self-defeating. It is easy for girls to compare themselves with others, or to be true to themselves, which leads to anxiety and a strong appetite. Girls may want to lose weight because of stimulation. However, suddenly one day I found that I couldn’t hold on anymore, so I started to give up on myself.

Boys can lose weight by drinking less alcohol, exercising more, and changing their diet. Suddenly one day, I found it boring, started eating and drinking with my friends, stopped exercising, and soon rebounded, which may be more serious than before. Most of the time, when I give up on myself, I start to rebound. Only by completely changing my bad habits and anxiety can I maintain my weight.

2. During the plateau phase, the mentality collapsed

Many people rebound because of the plateau phase (fat loss stagnation period). The plateau phase is very necessary. It takes time for skin to repair, and it will not be so easy to lose weight and appear old. All weight loss has a plateau phase. Many people lose their minds after the plateau phase exceeds 1 week, and begin to overeat and rebound.

There are many reasons for plateau crashes:

  • I work so hard, why am I still not thin, my mentality collapsed.
  • I ate a few carbohydrates, and I gained 2 pounds of meat, and the rebound was too fast, so why should I lose weight?

In the plateau phase, you must be calm, and it will take time to reduce the weight at a fixed point.

3. Only use willpower to control your diet

Many people start to control their diet and insist on it for a week, but they can’t stand it. This method of using willpower to control appetite will rebound, and what is waiting for you is overeating. Because willpower is a limited resource, when it is used up, it will overeat and rebound.

Losing weight is not about controlling your diet, it is about slowly changing your diet, allowing your body to adapt to new foods, and allowing you to comfortably accept the new way of eating. The result of control is a rebound, and only the process of enjoying thinness can be persisted.

4. Only pay attention to weight, not inner changes

Once some girls lose weight, they weigh every day, take off their shoes, socks, and clothes, and weigh after going to the toilet. Paying too much attention to the weight, not paying attention to the changes in the heart, as long as there is a slight change in the weight, it is easy to have problems with the mentality, and then start to overeat and rebound.

The way to lose weight without rebound is to change your eating habits little by little, accept new food from the heart, find yourself getting better and better, enjoy your new life state, change your heart, and change your behavior. Short-term weight loss depends on ruthlessness, while successful weight loss depends on the heart.

5. Too much focus on weight loss, not on your health

You don’t become healthy because you lose weight, but you lose weight naturally because you are healthy. Therefore, losing weight without rebounding is to let your health first. Health is more important than losing weight quickly. Both physical and mental health is important.

6. Eat food that stimulates your appetite every day

One of the main reasons for the rebound is food addiction, which makes you unable to control your mouth. Eating high-temperature deep-fried and heavily seasoned food every day will only make you more and more greedy. Eat simple, boiled, steamed, with less seasoning, persist for a month, and your appetite will naturally decrease. There may be a process of constant adjustment in the middle, but you must know that a simple diet can make you lose weight more comfortably down.

7. The stomach is too big, and it feels uncomfortable when you are hungry

People with a big stomach, as long as they fast for a while, will receive the ghrelin signal, which makes them have a strong appetite and cannot persist in fasting. People with big stomachs, if they starve themselves and lose weight a little, will slowly rebound. The stomach becoming smaller is a long-term process, and it is necessary to gradually reduce food intake and give the body some time. After the stomach gradually becomes smaller, you will feel uncomfortable if you eat too much. When you enter this state, you will enjoy an empty stomach, and you will feel uncomfortable if you eat a little more, and it will be difficult for you to rebound.

8. No exercise hunger, can not enjoy fasting

Successful weight loss must be enjoyed on an empty stomach, which requires exercise. Frequent light fasting can allow you to constantly interpret your hunger and make it easier to enjoy an empty stomach. Enjoying thin and fasting is one of the secrets to keeping in shape. Only by fasting in this way can you maintain a good figure and no longer rebound.

9. Excessive reliance on exercise for fat loss

Exercise can make you lose weight, but if you don’t control your diet, you will rebound after you stop exercising. Many professional athletes have serious rebounds after retirement. If you stop exercising, you must control your calories more precisely. This is common sense. If you find yourself gaining weight, reduce one meal instead of three meals. Two meals or 1.5 meals are fine, and you must also eat foods with high nutrient density.

10. No reconciliation with food, no reconciliation with yourself

Rebound people have two characteristics:

  • Being influenced by appetite, you want to eat even if you are not hungry. If you stop eating for some time, you will have a withdrawal reaction. It is recommended to try mindful eating, and eat desserts and nuts with mindfulness.
  • Can’t control myself and often fight against myself, which leads to overeating.


The reason why you will rebound after losing weight is mainly because you have recovered some of your previous bad habits. Losing weight is indeed a difficult thing, but you must persevere to have good results and not rebound.

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